TPS 2500 S & TPS 3500
Thermal Constants Analyzers

Trustworthy tool for testing thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat capacity of most materials types. e.g. solids, liquids, powders, pastes….
Handles sub-millimeter-thick bulk samples
Thermal conductivity range: 0.005 to 1800W/m/K
Meets ISO 22007-2
Tackles 10-micrometer-thick slab samples
Utilizes Hot Disk’s classic double spiral sensors for maximum accuracy
Capable of analyzing both uniaxial andbiaxial materials by using specialized HotStrip sensors
Meets ISO 22007-2
Examples of Sensor Type
MC 15 HT
The New Ultra-strong Micro Compounder

Unprecedented mixing, extrusion and upscaling capabilities: the extreme screw torque (40Nm)
Small compound volume, high output
Continuous monitoring of screw torque
Easy & fast cleaning
Finer dispersion of particles in higher viscous compounds, filaments, films of improved dimensional stability