美國的Plas Labs是壓克力手套箱、厭氧室、氮氣乾燥手套箱、HEPA過濾隔離手套箱的全球領導者。自 1967 年以來,Plas Labs 的手套箱產品系列已在世界各地的研究實驗室中使用。他們的最新型號的厭氧室手套箱整合了二氧化碳、氧氣及溫度控制的密封系統。
Automatic Anaerobic Chamber
“One-Touch / Go Anaerobic” Glove Box
SKU: 857-OTA
This new Automatic “One Touch” Anaerobic Chamber allows one to simply press the “Go Anaerobic” button to automatically create a strict anaerobic atmosphere. It features a color operated “touch screen” for automatically creating an anaerobic atmosphere.
No installation.
No additional accessories required.
< 300 Liters of gas required to achieve a strict anaerobic atmosphere.

Hypoxia Chamber
Lab CO2 / Vacuum Chambers